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Une conduite souple et sécurisée
Dreeft, notre système de freinage innovant pour fauteuils roulants manuels, offre une expérience de freinage sûre et sans effort, réduisant de 80% la force de freinage requise.
Combiné au système d'assistance électrique, Dreeft devient un véritable allié pour votre mobilité.
How does it work ?
With Dreeft, there's no need to grip the handrail ! Everyone can use it, whatever their gripping ability.
Going forward
If the handrail is moved forward, it drives the wheel forward and the wheelchair moves forward.
If you move the handrail backwards, you engage the hub's internal braking system and brake without any friction.
As the handrail is not attached to the rim, they no longer rotate simultaneously. This allows you to keep control of your wheelchair without burning your hands.
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